subclass 482 visa australia occupation list

Subclass 482 Visa Australia: Occupation List Explained

subclass 482 visa australia occupation list

Australia's Subclass 482 visa, commonly known as the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa, allows Australian employers to sponsor skilled workers from overseas to fill positions that cannot be filled by Australian workers. This visa has three streams: Short-Term, Medium-Term, and Labour Agreement, with the eligibility determined by the occupation listed on the government’s Occupation Lists.

Understanding The 482 Visa Occupation Lists

The Subclass 482 visa uses two main occupation lists that categorize jobs based on the term and conditions of the visa:

  1. Short-Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL)

    • Occupations on this list are eligible for visas up to Two Years, with a possible extension to four years in certain cases. However, these visa holders are generally not eligible for permanent residency.
    • Example occupations: Marketing Specialist, ICT Support Technician, Graphic Designer.
  2. Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL)

    • This list allows applicants to stay for up to four years. Occupations on the MLTSSL can also provide a pathway to permanent residency through the ENS (Employer Nomination Scheme) or RSMS (Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme) visas.
    • Example occupations: Civil Engineer, Accountant, Software Developer, Mechanical Engineer.
  3. Regional Occupation List (ROL)

    • Specific to regional areas, this list is for employers in regional Australia. It provides similar benefits to the MLTSSL, including the opportunity for permanent residency.
    • Example occupations: Agricultural Scientist, Chef, Veterinarian.

Requirements for the Subclass 482 Visa

To apply for a 482 visa, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • Sponsorship: The employer must be an approved sponsor.
  • Skilled Occupation: The applicant’s occupation must be on one of the relevant occupation lists (STSOL, MLTSSL, or ROL).
  • Qualifications and Experience: The applicant must have the qualifications and experience relevant to the occupation.
  • English Proficiency: Applicants need to demonstrate a certain level of English proficiency, depending on the occupation.
  • Health and Character Checks: Standard health and character checks apply.

What Is The Purpose Of The Occupation List?

The occupation lists are designed to address specific skills shortages in Australia. The Department of Home Affairs regularly reviews and updates these lists based on labor market needs and economic conditions.

How to Check If Your Occupation is on the List?

The official website of the Australian Department of Home Affairs regularly updates the occupation lists. Potential applicants can also use the SkillSelect tool to check their eligibility for the 482 visa based on their occupation. 

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